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1 Chronicles 16:11 ESV
‘Seek the Lord and his strength; seek his presence continually!’
Gracious God, in a week when we see the number of pupils in schools being sent home soar, due to covid cases, we pray for all staff, pupils and their families. We know that we cannot begin to imagine how stressful the past months have been for all schools, dealing with the disruption of our children’s education. We recognise too the tremendous impact this has had on the well-being of staff and pupils alike, and so too the difficulties that have arisen for working parents. And so, we pray for resilience and assurance for all staff and pupils in the final weeks of the summer term. We pray that those in positions of authority will do whatever they can to support schools and their leadership teams, in dealing with the current situation and we pray for stability in the autumn term to come. May Your presence be felt in every school and every home. For the dedication and commitment of all those who work in our schools to ensure our young people are nurtured and educated, we give grateful thanks. In the name of Jesus we pray, Amen