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Genesis 1:21:25
‘God made the wild animals according to their kinds, the livestock according to their kinds, and all the creatures that move along the ground according to their kinds. And God saw that it was good’.
Gracious God, in the midst of everything that is happening in our lives today, as conversations continue over our lifestyles and restrictions due to the pandemic, we pause for a moment to consider the welfare of the amazing animal Kingdom You have created, a world of diversity, beauty, power and majesty. We pray especially today for the work of the Aspinall Foundation, The Sheldrick Wildlife Trust and the Kenya Wildlife Service, who will begin to transport a herd of 13 elephants, from captivity in the UK, to living in the wild in a reserve in Southern Kenya. We appreciate that this is the biggest project of its kind in the world and not without its risks, but we pray that all logistical arrangements will go smoothly and that the elephants will arrive safely in their new home. Lord God, we have had a taste of what it is to lose our freedoms and so, we give thanks for the amazing work of all Animal Foundations, who seek to ensure that wild animals have the opportunity to roam free, in safe settings. We ask for Your blessing upon the work of all conservation projects across our world. In the name of Jesus we pray, Amen.