Jesus said to them, “Come and have breakfast”.
John 21:12 NIV
Loving God, we picture ourselves in this story from St. John’s gospel of Jesus appearing to the disciples on the shores of Lake Galilee:-
Peter and some of disciples were waiting in Jerusalem. Peter decided to go fishing and the other disciples went with him. They fished all night long but caught nothing at all.
At dawn, a figure called to them from the lakeside and asked if they had caught any fish. When they replied they hadn’t, he shouted to them to cast their nets over the other side of the boat.
They did as instructed and caught such a huge number of fish they could barely haul the nets in. Then, they realised it was Jesus.
Peter jumped into the water and headed for the shore, followed by the others in the boat.
At the lakeside, Jesus had lit a charcoal fire with fish and bread on it. He told them to bring some fish and come and have breakfast. They did not need to ask who he was, they knew it was Jesus. Jesus cooked the fish and served it to them with the bread.
We take a moment now to be quiet, to be still, in your presence. We reflect on any aspect of this story that might stand out to us.
Loving God, thank you that we can be open and honest with you and come to you just as we are. You love and accept us, you seek us out, you call to us and you bless us. Loving God, we praise you.
Thank you that through the risen Jesus, you touch our lives, in our ordinary, everday tasks, at work, at home, at play. The ordinary becomes the extraordinary as we include Jesus. Give us grace to trust you in times of waiting and may we accept your offer, every day, to come and breakfast with Jesus and be nourished in his presence.
Ruth Rushworth