Great is his faithfulness; his mercies begin afresh every morning.
Lamentations 3:23 NLT
The dawn breaks
through the darkness;
The horizon glows
in glorious colour;
We wait, we watch,
breathless in anticipation;
As the blazing sun
overpowers the shadows,
Bringing light,
spreading warmth,
burning love.
God of Creation, Lord of life, in the quietness of this moment we come before you with praise. We praise you for this day and every new day. We praise you for the colours of dawn, mid-day and sunset. We praise you for your constant and faithful love. We praise you for your mighty strength. We praise you for your grace and mercy, always freely available to us through Jesus our Saviour.
Gracious God, in the quietness of this moment, we come before you with thanksgiving. We thank you for our lives and for all you have given us; for all we appreciate and for all we take for granted. We speak to you about anything on our heart and bring it into the light of your burning love and mercy….
Loving God, we commit our day to you and thank you for all the opportunities open to us. Be with us by the power of your Holy Spirit, as we engage in conversations, make decisions and go about our daily lives. May we seek your face always, and know we are surrounded by the light of your loving presence, for Jesus sake. Amen
Ruth Rushworth