The Lord has shown us what is good “…to act justly, love mercy and walk humbly with your God”
Micah 6:8 NIV
Loving God, we praise you for your wonderful and beautiful creation. The world and everything in it belongs to you. We praise you for Jesus, light of the world and the life, love, hope and future we have through Him.
Ellen Ochoa, Astronaut commented:
“My first mission blew me away…
When you’re looking down on the earth and you realise that people are fighting each other, as opposed to this view that you have of people all being part of a single planet; it’s really saddening.
Viewing the earth from space, it certainly transforms the way you look and think about earth, you see everything as one interconnected system, including all your family and friends and everything you’ve ever known is down there on this planet. It’s the place we call home and we need to take care of it.” *
Loving, creator God, we pray for our world …
We pray for unity …
We pray for peace …
We pray for justice …
We pray that we might love and care for each other; each one is precious to You …
We pray that we might take care of our planet and everything you have given us …
Gracious God, we thank you that, no matter how things seem, you are in control and your good and loving purpose will prevail. May we lift our eyes from our perspective to yours. May we walk closely with you and draw on the guiding light of your love and presence with us, as we live out our lives this day, for Jesus’ sake. Amen.
Ruth Rushworth
* Ellen Ochoa Astronaut
Speaking on 2022: The Year From Space
Channel 4, Tuesday 3rd Jan 2023
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