Sing to the Lord, all the earth! Tell of his salvation from day to day.
1 Chronicles 16:23 ESV
May we allow your gentle hand
To lead us safely through
Times of change,
New seasons
And fresh chapters,
Trusting completely in You.
Grant us space for gifts to bloom,
For dreams to pave the way,
For the love of Jesus, our Saviour
To be displayed in our lives every day.
May we open up our hearts,
To follow your perfect ways,
To receive the love of Jesus,
And praise you all our days.
Creator God, we join with creation and praise you. We thank you for the change in seasons, as the bulbs, dormant underground during winter, continue to burst forth into new and colourful life, heralding the arrival of spring.
Gracious God, we thank you that you always work for good. In this new season, may you bring forth what is pleasing to you in our lives. If there is an idea, a dream, a hope, or a gift planted within us may it grow and bloom, in line with your will.
Loving God, as Lent continues, we prepare for and look forward to the celebration of Easter, when Jesus defeated death and rose from the tomb, offering us new and everlasting life. We pray that all may know the hope and gracious love of Jesus in this season of their lives. We pray for anyone you have placed on our hearts today.
Ruth Rushworth