… God said ” I will live with them and walk among them, and I will be their God and they will be my people.”
2 Cor 6:16 NIV UK
Wrapped in your arms
Encircled with grace
A present of love
A gift of peace
A lifetime of blessing
Our hearts restored
In Jesus our Saviour
Our glorious Lord
Loving God, in the peace and stillness of the night, or in the bustle and activity of the day, we come. We come with praise and thankfulness for Jesus.
As we come to worship, we come to gaze on and unwrap the precious gift of Jesus to all the world. We thank You that You love to bless us and long to draw us closer to your heart by your Holy Spirit.
As we come, we come to reflect. We gather in our hearts and bring before You, our families and friends and the people, places and situations we pray for. We ask You, gracious God, to bless them out of the abundance of your love.
As we come to receive, we come just as we are. We thank You for your love and ask for your blessing. We pray for ourselves and for all; for the assurance and fullness of your love, and your peace and joy in Christ Jesus this Christmas time. Amen.
Ruth Rushworth