God’s love has been poured out into our hearts by the Holy Spirit who has been given to us.

Romans 5:5 NIV

Holy Spirit
living flame
Burning brightly
Never to wane

Fanning the flames
Of perpetual love
Burning for justice
Working for good

Renewing hearts
Minds and lives
With the love of God.
in Jesus Christ

Holy Spirit
Burning bright
Transforming the world
with Love and light

Gracious God, your love and faithfulness encircle and shine throughout our world. May the love of Jesus bring hope, light, life and peace to all our lives through the power of the Holy Spirit.

Gracious God as we look at the lighted candles and reflect on the power of your love, we pray for the people, places and situations on our hearts. May the light of your love shine ever brighter in our world. Amen

Ruth Rushworth