John 1:5
‘The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it’.
Gracious God, thank you for guiding us and strengthening us through the last year, a difficult year for so many different reasons. We thank you for the people who walked alongside us, who made a difference and witnessed to Your love for us. As we move into a new year, with the challenges the pandemic continues to bring, we ask that You help us to focus on You, upon the message of the Christ Child who came into our world to show that in the days ahead, You are with us, Emmanuel, God with us. We remember that this is the greatest gift of all, the gift of Your love that will sustain and support us. At the start of a new week, we lay our hopes, our dreams, and our concerns before You. May You assure us of Your presence at all times and in all places so that we may face the week with a sense of peace in our hearts, the peace that comes from being loved by You.
This morning, we remember especially all the staff, parents and children in our schools, amidst all the discussions and decisions being made around the education of our young people. We pray especially for Head Teachers, as they seek to lead and assure staff and parents within these unsettling times. We thank you for the commitment and vocation of all staff in our schools and ask that you give them courage and wisdom as they seek to offer the very best they can for the young people in their care. We place them all into the safekeeping of Your hands this day Lord, Amen.