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John 13:34 CEV
‘But I am giving you a new command. You must love each other, just as I have loved you’.
Gracious God, 36 years ago today, ‘Live Aid’ burst through our television screens, urging us to take seriously the plight of those facing death through famine in Africa. Musicians came together to unite the world in it’s giving and response to humanity. Many such campaigns have followed since, but the reality is, people are still going hungry, overseas and in our local communities. Lord God, we acknowledge that a substantial meal is the basic human right of all people. And so, we give thanks for the work of charities and aid agencies who seek to ensure that everyone, both here and overseas, are fed. We pray for peace in countries where war, conflict and misuse of power, denies people access to basic provisions. We pray for those affected by global changes to our planet, as disrupted weather patterns and global warming impact upon farming communities. We acknowledge the effect Covid 19 has made upon global poverty. God of power, we pray that those in positions of power and authority, across all nations, continue to consider the effect societies’ behaviour has upon the vulnerable and the poor. May we too, as consumers and as Your people, consider what we can do to bring about permanent change in relation to poverty. Creator God, send the power of Your Holy Spirit across our world to empower, encourage and inspire us to put an end to hunger in our world. In the name of Jesus we pray, Amen.