Psalm 147:1 NIV
‘Praise the Lord. How good it is to sing praises to our God, how pleasant and fitting to praise him!’
Gracious God, as World Opera Day is marked today we give thanks for the amazing gift of music; for harmonies, melodies and the power of sound to reach the very being of our emotions. We give thanks for composers, performers, teachers and producers. We give thanks for the work of music venues from the local village hall, to the grandest of concert halls. We lift before You all musical initiatives that seek to build and inspire communities and make a difference to the lives of people, of all ages. We acknowledge Lord God, how difficult the pandemic has been for so many in the music industry. We pray for those struggling to rebuild their livelihoods after the devastating effects of lockdowns. Help us to appreciate, value and protect the wondrous world of sound that You have created, and may music continue to be a vehicle that promotes unity, hope and joy in our world. In the name of Jesus we pray, Amen.