Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by your name; You are Mine.
Isaiah 43:1 NKJV
Lord God, as we look at this picture of a beautiful spring garden, we can imagine ourselves leaning on the gate, enjoying the view, feeling the warmth of the sun on our back, and smelling the blossom. We thank you for the beauty, peace and restoration we can find in the countryside and in your presence.
We take a moment to quieten our minds and turn our thoughts and focus to you.
Lord God, we reflect that you walked and talked with Adam and Eve in the garden in the cool of the evening. On Easter day morning Mary Magdalene went to the empty tomb in the garden. She recognised the risen Jesus when he called her by name. We imagine that moment when Mary heard Jesus call her by name….
We thank you that you call each of us by name and through Jesus you meet with us, every day, in the garden of our lives. We think of you calling us by name and how we respond to your call….
Lord God, even when we struggle to hear your voice, we thank you for the assurance that you have redeemed us, we belong to you and you have called us and know us by name. We need not be afraid.
May we find refreshment, peace and hope in your presence.
May we find clarity and purpose as we follow you and trust in your guiding hand.
May we be your voice, your hands, your feet and your heart to those who are seeking the assurance of being known, loved and cared for by name.
We offer you our thoughts and prayers and ask for your blessings in whatever lies ahead this day. We ask this in the name of Jesus our Saviour. Amen
Ruth Rushworth