Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfil the law of Christ.
Gal 6:2 NIV
Loving God, we come to you with open hearts and thank you for this new day. We praise you for your love, your forgiveness, your guidance and your presence with us.
We thank you for the special gift of friendship:-
Gracious God we praise you,
For friendships old and new,
For those you place around us,
Faithful and true.
For friends who lend an ear,
And listen with great care,
Speak words of godly wisdom,
Offer a thought, a word, a prayer.
For friends who inspire,
And share our hopes and dreams,
Encourage and support us,
To fully extend our wings.
For friends who are with us,
When we’re feeling sad or down,
Bring a smile to lift and cheer
And replace a heavy frown.
For friends who help us keep account,
Of things we’ve said and done,
Who continue to surround us,
With love, joy and fun.
For friends who have a loving heart,
And help keep us on track,
To display our true colours,
And deal with any flack,
Thank you for our friends Lord,
And all that we share,
Where 2 or 3 are gathered,
You assure us that Jesus is there.
We ask you to bless our friends today. We thank you for all that you achieve through us as we pray and work together. We pray for anyone in need of a friend and we ask that you would help us be a good and true friend to others.
We praise you for Jesus, our Lord and Saviour who calls us his friends (John 15:15). He is the best friend we could ever have. Help us to spend time with Jesus in prayer and read about him in the Bible, so that we may deepen our friendship with him in love, gratitude, praise and service. Amen.
Ruth Rushworth