‘Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved’.
Romans 10:13 NIV

Gracious God, we continue to reflect on Jesus’ time on earth, the depth of his love for all mankind and his relationship with you:

Jesus often withdrew to pray. He resisted temptation. He sought the will of God. He fully understood his purpose on earth and was obedient in all things.

Jesus was revealed as the son of God at his baptism.  During his life he referred to himself The Way, the Truth and the Life, the Good Shepherd, the Gate, the Light of the World, The true Vine, The Resurrection and The Life, and our friend.

He longed to draw all people to himself as a hen drawn her chicks under her wing. He showed the depths of his love for us when he  suffered rejection, humiliation, pain and death on a cross. He willingly took our sin and suffering on himself and sacrificed his life for us, so that we might receive eternal life through him.

He rose from the dead on Easter morning and, over a period of time, appeared to over 500 people. He ascended and is enthroned in heaven. He lives intercede for us as our Lord and our King.

Gracious God, we praise you that when we turn to Jesus in repentance and faith and invite him into our lives, we are assured that we are forgiven and receive new and eternal life through the Holy Spirit.

We praise and thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your redemptive love.  Help us to keep current in our relationship with Jesus and may we grow in love, humility and grace as we reflect on him and spend time with him in adoration, praise and prayer. Amen

Ruth Rushworth