For unto us a child is born…And his name will be called, Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
Isaiah 9:6, NKJV
We wait.
In the dark.
We trust.
The the light comes,
Holding our attention,
Fixing our gaze
In breathless wonder
On love.
The love that came,
The love that dwelt among us,
The love that is,
The love that will come again.
The angels rejoice,
The heavens sing praise,
To Jesus, our Saviour,
The Ancient of Days,
God most high
Came from above,
To redeem our world
With grace, peace and love.
Hallelujah! let us sing,
Hallelujah! let us praise,
To Jesus our Saviour,
Our voices we raise.
Hallelujah! let us sing,
Hallelujah! let us praise,
Jesus our Saviour,
All of our days.
Gracious God, in the busyness of the day and the quietness of the night, we reflect on love; on the love that was born to both quiet worship and adoration in a stable, and to great rejoicing in the heavens.
God of love, mercy and peace, we thank you for Jesus. May we welcome Him into our hearts and lives afresh this Christmas. Amen.
Ruth Rushworth