Sing a song to the Lord all the earth … For great is the Lord and most worthy to be praised. … splendour and majesty are before him; strength and joy in his dwelling place … Give thanks to the Lord for he is good; his love endures forever
1 Chron 16: 23/25/27/34 NIV
Songs of grace are sweet,
Turn heads, attract attention;
Songs of grace penetrate,
people stop to listen;
Songs of grace echo,
Along corridors walls and halls;
Songs of grace linger,
In street corners, alleyways and doors;
Songs of grace shine,
through the darkness and the gloom;
Songs of grace lighten,
The atmosphere in a room;
Songs of grace perfume,
The very air we breath;
Songs of grace relieve,
Burdens, stress and ill-ease;
Songs of grace welcome,
Invite us to belong;
Songs of grace forgive,
Hurts, pains and wrongs;
Songs of grace comfort,
Those who mourn and are sad;
Songs of grace rejoice,
With those who are glad;
Songs of grace are merciful,
Generous, loving and kind;
Songs of grace transform,
our heart, our soul, our mind.
Loving God, sing your songs of grace over us, that we may sing your songs of grace; your songs of acceptance, your songs of encouragement, your songs of forgiveness, your songs of peace, your songs of the love of Jesus to each other. May we sing them at home, in the workplace, in schools, in hospitals, in the shops, on the bus, on the streets and in every situation.
Loving God, may the eternal song of the grace, of Jesus our Saviour be sung and heard throughout our troubled world. Amen.
Ruth Rushworth
Image: MP McKellar – used with permission