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Thy Kingdom Come

For the next 11 days our prayers have been written by Thelma Commey, Methodist Youth President 2019/2020, for the global prayer initiative ‘Thy Kingdom Come’.

John 3.16 is one of the best-known verses in the Bible because it emphasises God’s love for everyone. Jesus didn’t just love those who are easy to love, he loved the people who hated him, who despised him; he loved the people that others looked down on. He didn’t just love some people – he loved the whole world.
This speaks about the action that God took to show us love – it shows us how love is an active word. God loved us so much that God sent Jesus for us. Not because of anything that we did, not because we deserved it; but because God is a loving God. God’s love is selfless and sacrificial and shows us what we are worth. If God can love anyone, the least we can do is to do the same.
Loving God, thank you that you gave your Son, Jesus, for me and for all people. Help me accept the love that you showed me in sending your Son. I pray for my  friends. Please open their hearts to your love. And teach me to love more truly. Amen

Thy Kingdom Come2020-05-21T10:20:36+01:00

As a nation Lord, help us to be kind

2 Corinthians 6:6, says: “We prove ourselves by our understanding, our patience, our kindness, by the Holy Spirit within us, and by our sincere love.”
Gracious God, as we continue to journey through Mental Health Awareness week, we acknowledge this years focus upon  kindness. As a nation Lord, help us to be kind, especially to those who are suffering with mental health issues. Help us to be understanding and patient and to take time to listen and allow others to talk. We pray that their voices and their cries for help will be heard. We pray for resources and wisdom to deal with mental issues so that people will feel supported and valued. May we be sincere in our love. And so too Lord, we pray that people will know that they are truly loved and valued by You. Amen.

The Mental Health Foundation says this. ‘We have chosen kindness because of its singular ability to unlock our shared humanity. Kindness strengthens relationships, develops community and deepens solidarity. It is a cornerstone of our individual and collective mental health. Wisdom from every culture across history recognises that kindness is something that all human beings need to experience and practise to be fully alive’.  May God bless all those who seek to support this work. Amen.

As a nation Lord, help us to be kind2020-05-20T10:51:25+01:00

He Made the Storm be Still

In Psalm 107:29  we read, ‘He made the storm be still, and the waves of the sea were hushed’.
God of Peace, whatever our emotions this week, whatever high or lows we may have experienced, we come before You this morning and ask for Your peace. Help us to hear Your still, small voice speaking to us today assuring us of Your presence with us. So too, we ask for peace for our family, our friends and our neighbours in whatever situation they find themselves this day. May You calm our thoughts and fill our hearts with the knowledge of Your infinite Grace and Love. Amen.

He Made the Storm be Still2020-05-15T09:50:26+01:00

Isaiah 10:31

Gracious God, we bring before You this morning all those who care for others, remember especially those caring for their loved ones at home, and who have lost their network of support during this health crisis. God of love, in their isolation, give them strength and assurance. And so too we pray for those being cared for who may be feeling anxious and confused with the change to their daily routine. Gracious God, we pray for Your presence in all our homes today. May we all find comfort and assurance in knowing that in You we find our strength.

You are Emmanuel, God With Us.


Isaiah 10:312020-05-05T09:42:12+01:00

Sense of Unity

Gracious God, we realise that these are unprecedented times for the leaders of nations and those who seek to advise them. As our Government begin to consider the next steps forward to be taken, we pray for a discerning guidance and wisdom so that the decisions made will best support the complexity of this situation, which effects people in so many different ways. So too, we pray for all leaders across the world and a sense of unity and support across all nations. Gracious God, our lives have changed and the road ahead feels uncertain,  but you remain steadfast and sure and so we continue to put our trust in your great power and love. You are our Creator and we are your children. Be with us this day Lord, we pray, Amen.

Sense of Unity2020-05-01T11:41:45+01:00