About Ruth Rushworth

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So far Ruth Rushworth has created 424 blog entries.

Jesus said ” come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest”
Mark 6:31 NIV

Come, I will refresh you,
Come, I will give you rest,
Come, I will carry your burdens,
Come, my way is best.

Come, I will nourish you,
Come, I will calm your fear,
Come, I give you light and life,
Come, I am near.

Come, I will teach you,
Come, I will show you the way,
Come, I am the Lord, your God,
Come, I am here every day.

Jesus, with open arms, You invite everyone to come to You.  We take a moment to rest our bodies, quieten our minds, be aware of our breathing and be still before You; to reflect on our focus and direction and to pray about anything on our hearts and minds ….

Jesus, whether we have minutes, hours or days, we come to You, source of all life and love. Replenish us in mind, body and spirit that we might love you better and nourish others with the love you have for us. Amen

Ruth Rushworth


Above all, clothe yourselves with love, which binds us all together in perfect harmony…let the peace that comes from Christ rule in your hearts…and be thankful.

Col 3:14 /15 NLT

Love in kindness
Love in meekness
Love in compassion
Love in completeness 

Love in forgiving
Love in nurturing
Love in listening
Love in caring

Love in our hearts
Love in our minds
Love in our souls
Love in our lives 

Loving God, we come to You today and thank You for the wonderful gift of love that gives meaning and holds everything together.  We thank you for Jesus and his greatest gift and act of love as He lay down his life for us.

Loving God, may we be clothed by your Spirit in the rich and gracious love that comes from You. Bind us together in harmony as we pray, live and act together for the needs of each other and our world. Grant us a thankful heart for all your blessings and may we know your peace in our lives. We bring our prayers to You in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Ruth Rushworth


The Lord’s unfailing love and compassion never ends

Lamentations 3:22 

Your love is with us
The port in the storm
The rest for the weary
The comfort for all who mourn
The strength for the weak
The healing for the sick
God of love and mercy,
your grace and peace we seek.

God of compassion, you walk alongside us every day. Help us to draw on your strength and grace, as we go about our daily lives. May we be mindful of the needs of others in our prayers and share your loving kindnesses in the generosity and thoughtfulness of our words and actions. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

Ruth Rushworth


I will say to the Lord “My refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.”

Ps 91:2 ESV

Jesus is Lord 
Jesus is King;
Our strength
Our rock 
Our dwelling place
Jesus, your praises we sing.

Jesus is steadfast
Jesus is sure;
Our truth
Our way 
Our fulness of life
Jesus, your name we adore.

Jesus is love
Jesus is meek;
Our source
Our spring
Our ever-present help
Jesus, your mercy we seek.

Jesus is listening
Jesus is here;
Our friend
Our peace
Our burden-bearer
Jesus, your love calms our fear.

Gracious God, we take a moment to thank you for Jesus. Whatever is on our minds, our concerns for the day, our work, home, school, health, family, friends, community or our world, we lay them at your feet. We thank you that we can draw on your love, your strength and your guidance in any situation. We take a moment to praise you, to thank you and to think about what you mean to us in our life. 

Gracious God, thank you that the time, however long or short, we spend with you is never wasted.  Each moment with you is precious. We thank you for your words of truth and life. Draw us close as we go about our day, in the knowledge and assurance of your eternal love for us, shown in Jesus Christ our Lord.

Ruth Rushworth


‘If I ride on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast’.

Ps 139: 9-10 NIV

Gracious God, wherever we go, whatever we do, we can never travel beyond the reaches of your love, care and guidance; nothing can separate us from your love in Jesus.

This summer, if we travel on holiday or have days out, travel with us. If we stay at home, stay with us, if we have appointments or work accompany us.  Whatever we face, we thank You that You face it with us.

Holy Spirit pour out your love. Protect us and be with us in all we do.  Bless us with times of refreshment and replenishment; times of laughter, fun and joy; times to enjoy family and friends and build relationships; times to enjoy your wonderful creation and times to be still and draw close to Jesus.  Amen

Ruth Rushworth

Image: colouring book ” Balloons, boats and butterflies” by Hannah Dunnett

* Romans 8:38-9


” For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, ” plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” 

Jer 29:11 NIV

Grace reaches out
To our unformed state,
No work is too hard,
No timing too late.

Seeing all
that we will become,
Transforming, changing,
No work left undone.

Beauty and goodness
Flow from his face,
Life and love are held,
In his embrace.

Gentle and tender
Vulnerable yet strong
In the open-hearted love
Of Christ we belong.

Gracious God, thank You for beauty and wonder of nature, for the change we see as a moth is transformed into a butterfly.

Thank you gracious God for the love of Jesus,  the love that calls us friends, the love that works for good in every situation, the love that never gives up on us, the love that never fails.

Gracious God, we pray for all who are waiting for change, opportunity or a breakthrough.  In their time of waiting, may your love support and sustain and bring your hope and peace. In the name of Jesus we pray. Amen.

Ruth Rushworth


Christ gives me the strength to face anything.

Phil 4:13 CEV

Gracious God, I open my heart
to your love and purpose.
Jesus, my Saviour I open my heart
to you life and light.
Holy Spirit, I open my heart
to your power and guidance.

When my heart is brittle,
Soften it with your love;
When I cannot see the way,
Lead me in the way of Jesus.
When I am weak, bless me
With strength and courage,
And the reassurance,
Of your presence,
Alongside me,
Every day.

Gracious, faithful God, your heart of love is all around us.  May your love flow into our hearts and lives and of those we love and pray for.  We pray especially today for anyone You have placed on our hearts ….. may they know your peace, your presence and the and strength of your healing love. Amen

Ruth Rushworth
Painting: courtesy of Cheryl O’Connor


Shout for joy to the Lord all the earth

Ps 98:4 NIV

We thank You Lord,
For your wonderful world,
For the beauty of creation,
For all you have made.

From the freshness of a dewy dawn,
To the sun shining strong and bright,
To the stars in their twinkling splendor,
And the moon lighting up the night.

From densely packed forests,
To flowers blooming in the light,
To vibrant green and blue grasses,
Standing tall, strong and upright.

From animals of every shape and size,
To birds soaring high in the skies,
To creeping insects and spiders,
Sights to widen the eyes!

From dolphins jumping for joy,
On waves rolling into the shore,
To seals basking in the sunshine,
And whales singing melodies pure.

From bubbling mountain streams,
To lazy rivers meandering to the sea,
Yet the pinnacle of God’s creation,
Are the people He created us to be.

Thank you loving God for this wonderful world that you have created for us to care for and enjoy. Thank you for its beauty and splendour, for its majesty and strength, for its peace and tranquility, for the life it promotes and sustains. Help us dear Lord to care for it.

Thank you for loving God for making each and every one of us. You love us all with a perfect and unconditional love. Help us to show love and to see the needs of others, whether close to home or on faraway shores.

As we pray to You today, we lift up our hearts to You.  Draw us closer you You. Help us to see your love and goodness in others and in our world and to give You thanks. Amen.

Ruth Rushworth
Image: courtesy of Jo Rotheram


Jesus said .. “… I am with you always …”

Matt 28:20 NIV

Gracious God,
At the beginning of this day
I give You my hands –

may they reach out to You and touch others with your love;
I give You my eyes –

May they see You and be open to the needs of others;
I give You my ears –

May they hear your voice and listen carefully to others;
I give You my lips –

May they praise You and encourage others;
I give You my feet –

May they walk in step with You and alongside others;
I give You my mind –

May it have your wisdom and pray for others;
I give You my heart –

may it know the depth, generosity and compassion of your heart and share it with others;
I give You myself –

May I know the fullness of your boundless love and love and serve You and others, for the sake of Jesus. Amen.

Ruth Rushworth


Let all that I am praise the Lord; with my whole heart I will praise his holy name.

Ps 103:1 NLT

I praise the Lord for his wonderful love
A love that lasts beyond a lifetime
A gift from heaven above
A love that embraces, forgives and sets free,
A love full of mercy that ends enmity.

A love that restores, renews and transforms,
A love that strengthens, softens and warms.
A love that reveals God’s plans for our lives,
A love that leads, a love that guides.
A love that unites and draws us near,
A love that extinguishes darkness and fear.

A love that is merciful, gracious and kind,
A love that will never turn us away, nor leave us behind.
A love of compassion to aid and care for,
The poor, the sick, the downhearted and sorrowful.

A love of justice, of truth and right,
To work for good with all of our might.
A love that promises hope, joy and peace,
And the assurance of eternal life through Our Lord, Christ Jesus.

Loving God, we praise You for wonderful love in Jesus.  As we spend time with You and reflect, we ask You to speak into our hearts by your Spirit. Amen

Ruth Rushworth
