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So far admin has created 67 blog entries.

When we Love One Another

Gracious God, this morning we think of all the people who find themselves without employment at this time, compounded by the effects of the virus. We realise this is an issue of great concern and sadness across our nation. Give to those of us struggling financially this day, an assurance of Your presence and Your guiding hand to support and sustain us.We pray that those in positions of authority will use wisdom to do whatever they can to find ways to boost the economy and support businesses in this time of recession. We pray for agencies working to support those most in need and we remember especially all our Foodbanks. As communities Lord, help us to find ways to reach out to the neighbour in need, in our midst. Help us to think outside the box and work out how we can best work together to deal with this situation as the challenges of Covid 19 continue. Give to us wisdom, vision, courage and compassion. In Jesus name we pray. Amen.

When we Love One Another2020-09-16T11:53:15+01:00

Jonah and the Big Fish

A very long time ago lived a man named Jonah; God had a special job for Jonah, God wanted Jonah to go to the land of Nineveh and to tell the people that their evil ways had broken God’s heart. Jonah didn’t like this special job and so Jonah decided to run away. Jonah got onto a boat that was going in the opposite direction of Nineveh!

While Jonah was on the boat a storm rose up around him and it shook and blew the boat so much that the sailors thought the boat was going to break! Oh no, how scary! Jonah knew that God had sent the storm and so Jonah told the sailors to throw him into the water.

God loved Jonah and so God sent a big fish to swallow Jonah. Can you imagine being inside of a big fish? It must have been dark, and squishy, and smelled like the ocean! While Jonah was inside of the fish he prayed, and after he was done praying God commanded the fish to spit him up onto shore.


God still wanted Jonah to go to the land of Nineveh, and so Jonah obeyed God. Jonah told the people of Nineveh that their evil ways had broken God’s heart and that God was going to destroy them, and guess what, the people were sorry and the cried for God to forgive them. God loved his people so much that He decided to forgive them, God loved his people so much that he decided he was not going to destroy them.

The Bible says:

10 God saw what the people did. He saw that they stopped doing evil things. So God changed his mind and did not do what he had warned. He did not punish them. (Jonah 3:10, ICB)

God always knows what kind of help we need.

Tell God you are sorry and he will give you a second chance.

Here are some ideas for your children based on the story.

Draw a fish or print out the one below. – Colour in or rip up pieces of tissue paper, scrunch them up and glue them on! The belly of the fish was probably a scary place to be, but god was with Jonah even there!

Have children press their fingers onto a stamp pad & stamp fingers onto paper. Add features such as fins.

Blow bubbles, just like fish do – invite your child to run around and pop them as fast as they can.


Dear Jesus, we love you SO much! We pray that we can learn about how much you love us today. Come into our hearts and fill us with joy. Thank you for taking care of us. Amen

Jonah and the Big Fish2021-10-01T10:20:10+01:00

It is the Lord Who Goes Before You.

Gracious God, at the start of a new week, we place our lives and the lives of those we love, into Your care. We know that we are loved by You immeasurably, and so whatever the challenges we may face in the week ahead, we journey with You. Help us to care for others at this time, in very practical ways. And amidst all this Lord, help us to witness to You, to remember our calling to declare the Good News of your Son, our Saviour Jesus Christ. Lord God, in the days to come we walk with You, and for you. In the name of Jesus we pray, Amen.

It is the Lord Who Goes Before You.2020-09-07T10:13:33+01:00

Lord, Make me an Instrument of your Peace

Good morning everyone. This morning, a victim of the terrorist attack on a Mosque in New Zealand in March 2019, appeared on Television and publicly asked that we as a nation pray for all those affected by this tragedy, as sentence was passed yesterday. The grief and the suffering from lasting injuries continue, as do the emotional scars. And so today I respect that wish and ask that we remember all those affected in our prayers. I offer you a prayer for peace by St Francis.

Lord, make me an instrument of your peace,
Where there is hatred, let me sow love;
Where there is injury, pardon;
Where there is doubt, faith;
Where there is despair, hope;
Where there is darkness, light;
Where there is sadness, joy;

O Divine Master,
Grant that I may not so much seek
To be consoled as to console;
To be understood as to understand;
To be loved as to love.

For it is in giving that we receive;
It is in pardoning that we are pardoned;
And it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.

Lord, Make me an Instrument of your Peace2020-08-28T10:09:19+01:00

Be Strong and Courageous

Gracious God, as the lockdown decreases, we acknowledge that there are  many people who are still unable to leave their homes and whose loneliness continues. There are many too whose feelings of loneliness are not eased, simply by stepping outside or being with other people. And so we lift them before You this morning Lord. May they be assured of Your love and Your presence with them. May Your Holy Spirit flood their hearts and their homes with the warmth and companionship that comes from being loved by You. Amen.

Be Strong and Courageous2020-06-18T11:25:51+01:00

Jesus Will Answer

Gracious God, we pray especially this morning for parents who are under financial pressure and are concerned over the welfare of their children. We give thanks for the tireless work of Foodbanks, and other agencies, who have continued to ensure people are fed during these difficult times. As a society, may we ensure the protection of the most vulnerable in our communities, especially children and young people. We place all families into Your safekeeping and may each home feel the presence of Your love, Amen.

Jesus Will Answer2020-06-17T09:53:01+01:00

The Story of Noah

The story of Noah presents the flood as God’s spring clean of a world spoiled by people’s unkindness.

God was feeling sad. Everywhere he looked people were spoiling his world by arguing  and fighting. No one loved God anymore 😢 💔 except for one man, Noah. He was a kind man who always listened to God and tried to please him.
“Noah” said God one day, “My world looks very dirty. It needs a good spring clean. I am going to send a BIG flood to wash all the unkindness away”.
“Oh dear” said Noah, “I am going to get very wet”.
God smiled, ” Don’t worry Noah, you are a good man. I will keep you dry. You must build a big boat called an ark. Give it a door and a roof to keep out the rain”.
So Noah built the ark. (Shall we help him? Mime  hammering the wood🔨 )
“Now” said God “Fetch animals and birds of every kind and take them to the boat”. (Shall we help him?)
“All aboard” said Noah. Noah and his family got on the boat and shut the door.
Soon the blue sky turned grey and it became very dark. It began to rain and rain and rain.
The water rose higher and lifted the boat up. It floated! Noah and his family stayed safe inside the ark for forty days and nights. Until one day the rain stopped. The water went down and the ark landed on a mountainside.
“Now” said Noah “Let’s send a dove to see if there is anything green”.
The dove came back with a twig.
So Noah opened the door and saw a rainbow in the sky.
“Noah” said God “My rainbow is to say that never again will everything be washed away. I promise”.

Here are some ideas for your child based on the story:

Cut out some big raindrop shapes and decorate with rainbow colours and glitter.

Make some animal shaped biscuits.

Sing the song ” I hear thunder”
I hear thunder, I hear thunder,
Hark don’t you, hark don’t you?
Pitter patter raindrops, pitter patter raindrops,
I’m wet through, so are you.

Dress teddy in some boots, an anorak, a rainhat and give him an umbrella.

Pretend putting on boots, a raincoat, a hat and putting up an umbrella.

Pretend to go for a walk and jump over puddles.

Go outside and help to wash the garden furniture so that it is sparkling clean.

Dear God,
Thank you for all the colours of the rainbow red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. Whenever we see a rainbow help us to remember that you keep your promises and are always taking care of us.

The Story of Noah2021-10-01T10:49:09+01:00

V.E. Day

Gracious God, we come before you on V.E.Day. We may not be able to physically hold hands, but we pray that we will be united in Your Spirit. We pray for unity across the world as we continue to journey together. So too we pray for peace for all nations. The charity Christian Aid, whose work we will celebrate this Sunday,  tells us that Love never fails, Love unites us all, so God of love,  we pray for an outpouring of Your love in our world today. Amen.

V.E. Day2020-05-08T10:46:18+01:00

Courage, Patience and Strength

Gracious Lord, in these strange times there are many people waiting; waiting to hear what future plans have been made for lockdown, waiting to see if they can return to work or if they still have a job to return to, waiting for treatment that has been postponed, waiting for medical results to come through, waiting to see if schools and colleges will re-open, waiting for the time our churches will be re-opened, waiting to see and hold loved ones again. So many different challenges Lord and of course the process of waiting brings with it uncertainty and insecurity. Lord we ask for courage, for patience and strength. We know Lord, that Your hand is upon us, that Your love is within us and so today we place our trust in You and wait. Amen.

Courage, Patience and Strength2020-05-07T09:43:47+01:00

Finding Beauty in the Small Things

Can you find one thing inside or outside your home that is small but precious and beautiful to you? It may be a pebble, a flower, a favourite toy or something that you have made yourself. We are all precious in God’s Eyes, however small we may be.

This week many of us will have seen and felt the gentle rainfall of Spring after many days of beautiful dry sunny weather.

Some families in far away places right now, don’t have the joy of the rain. Rainfall is precious to them. Their world is dry, meaning that they may face many different challenges to us.

In Peru, Gloria, age 9 said ” If I could change the world, I would collect water and grow plants, they help give us life, they protect us so that we can breathe fresh air

Thank you God that we can breathe fresh air and enjoy both the sunshine AND the rain.

Here are two activities which you may like to do together in your family, you could each even spend some quiet time on your own and then later share your thoughts about the small things.

Collect some rainwater and make a little rain pond, (you can use tap water if you don’t have any rain)

Use any small or large container.

Fill your little pond with anything you find, stones, shells, grass, petals, anything at all… Say thank you to God for the joy of His life giving water.

Share a piece of bread and take a drink of water with your family.

One cup, one bread, one family.

2. Make a Nature Box thanking God for all his Creation.

Any carton will do. You can use an egg box if you have one.

Collect small things from around your home or on your daily walk.

Talk about the things you have put in your box and say “We thank you God”

Finding Beauty in the Small Things2021-10-01T11:08:50+01:00