Gracious God, as the weekend arrives we give thanks for blessings received this week. With so many uncertainties and concerns in our lives at this present time, we are reminded of Your continuing love and presence in our lives and so we give thanks. We give thanks that most of our children were able to return to school and we continue to pray for the well-being of all our young people, staff and families. We give thanks for the continuing service of our amazing NHS, no longer in the news and yet still serving our nation behind the scenes, 24/7. We give thanks that the death rate from Covid 19 remains very low and just pray that infection rates will fall in the days ahead. We give thanks that we have been able to open the doors of our Church buildings once more. And we give thanks for any personal blessings we have received this week. Lord God, these are challenging and difficult times but we know that You are a God who understands our anxieties and reaches out to us in love, and so we give thanks. Amen.